RIOHS aims to promote innovation in the field of health and social care service, acting within the broader context of fundamental human rights.
The effort of improving performance in the health sector is essential for ensuring adequate protection of individuals’ psychophysical integrity; however, full and effective implementation of the right to health requires the presence of additional chances, offered by a healthy environment in which people can live, move around and work in a context of participation and social cohesion.
In order to achieve its objectives, RIOHS offers international and multidisciplinary skills, such as in the health, legal, statistical, economic and managerial fields. Comparing laws and experiences of several Countries, not only European; comparing the numerous sectorial regulations, analyzed in their abstract formulation and concrete applications; mapping emerging needs in the economic and social fabric in order to intercept the transformations taking place and identify the most appropriate strategies to govern change, all represent important steps of its action.
RIOHS participates in the national and international debate on the issues of health and family, and favours discussion among scholars, professionals, sectorial operators, also by creating working groups and organizing workshops, conferences, updatement and training courses. In this context, RIOHS encourages academic mobility, especially for doctoral students and researchers, by funding research projects and offering grants and scholarships.
The Observatory’s work will be disseminated through the most innovative communication channels, in order to facilitate its circulation and encourage dialogue, not only confined within a restricted scientific community.